Access International Sales Through the AliveAdvisor Marketplace !!

AliveAdvisor for Global Experts

The AliveAdvisor Marketplace provides free support to both businesses and eCommerce advisors worldwide. The growing popularity of online marketplaces, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, oversees those consumers who now prefer the convenience that comes with digital platforms.

AliveAdvisor for Global Experts

The expertise of global eCommerce advisors to international online marketplaces means that you can provide tailored advice to businesses worldwide to explore exporting their products and services to newer markets beyond borders across the world.

Here are some ways how we can help to profit from each other.

  • Get Connected: Business advisors worldwide enjoy the benefits of connecting with international marketplaces through us. You may in the process get reduced commission or even undergo ‘try for free’ phases.
  • Ongoing Support: Nevertheless, the AliveAdvisor marketplace will support your marketing expertise in commerce and help you expand by selling your services to clients overseas.
  • Identify Opportunities: You have a deep understanding of culture, local rules, and preferences to impart informed choices. AliveAdvisor hires people like you to identify business opportunities worldwide.
  • Tailor-Made Advice:
  • Set-Up: You are there to share your knowledge, and so we will work with you to develop eCommerce strategies and identify the right marketplaces for businesses worldwide.
  • Help You Set Up: Your experience and knowledge encourage us to help and support you set up while you simplify the selling process for businesses seeking growth through global expansion.
  • Support to Grow: Our partnership with global marketplaces bears mutual interest. AliveAdvisor members and a list of satisfied clients expand alongside you as an advisor get special deals and earn extra income.

AliveAdvisor for Businesses Worldwide

Businesses can exponentially grow sales through eCommerce marketplaces that are likely to see the most significant rise in the days to come.

The tech-savvy data-driven AliveAdvisor marketplace not just offers a convenient way for members to buy and sell, but also opens up a huge opportunity for companies worldwide to expand their digital footprint and increase sales. This is an outstanding platform for businesses worldwide to enlarge their reach.

Make sure to understand the potential of eCommerce to boost revenue and staying ahead of the competition if you are not utilizing the services offered by the AliveAdvisor online marketplace.

Consumers are Turning to Online Marketplaces

Recognizing how consumers purchase is the key to success in global business. The impact of the COVID pandemic at the start of the year has completely shifted everything about consumer behavior across the world.

Highlighting some key changes to the shopping behavior of people across continents, studies reveal that the consequential motivation behind purchase channel selection was a convenience to be closely followed by availability, price, and home delivery.

One of the significant pain points for online consumers is to log in or register on a platform before purchasing. Slow response time with customer service comes next. Successful online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon are built around these leading elements.

The ‘One Click’ and ‘Add to Cart’ phrases are popular terms alongside the sliding to pay method that allows the quick and easy purchase of products and services in just one simple action. Imagine more than 150 million people around the world signed up for Prime membership of Amazon to shop for a wide range of items from books to electronics, to groceries. Strategy and technology also stand firmly behind the realization of these features that enable the AliveAdvisor marketplace to thrive in an emerging and fast-changing global business scenario.

Online marketplaces that fail to provide convenience and ease of shopping in today’s competitive digital landscape usually struggle, stunt, and stall opportunities for growth.

Online Marketplaces for Small & Medium Enterprises

SMEs worldwide have plenty to gain from this shift in consumer choices. However, they need to better their understanding of a global marketplace that accounted for over 52% of all global online retail sales just a few years back,

We now have hundreds of online marketplaces and new ones are cropping up by the day that provides platforms to smaller retailers to market and sell their products and services for a commission or a fee. Access to established audiences is also available to SMEs through these channels.

There is a huge growth for SMEs the world over but is equally important for them to consider the associated potential drawbacks of listing their products and services on these international marketplace platforms.

The New Buzzword is ‘Global Expansion’

First of all, realizing a global marketplace is a dream come true for any business or brand. It is a golden opportunity that no enterprise would like to miss or mess upon. But then, adding a new sales channel comes with responsibilities of managing products, sales, and customer service inquiries on a platform over where you have little, or no control. It could cause severe issues to impact the identity and reputation of your brand if mismanaged.

Paramount to Strategize

Strategize! Consider having sufficient stock levels and available staff to manage the marketplace. Invest and factor in the costs required for more stock and hiring new additional staff.

Research and find the right marketplace which is most suitable for your product or service. Some marketplaces may not live up to the right audience for your business. In such an instance it is unlikely that your business will be able to convert leads into sales.

Opening up to a global market and joining a new marketplace channel is a big decision. It would therefore be sensible to consider all pros and cons you will have to face for dominating the online landscape.

Welcome to the AliveAdvisor Marketplace

The benefits of seeking expert business expansion consultancy services from the likes of AliveAdvisor can go a long way. Armored with the required resources and entrenched feet on the ground, they provide an exceptional opportunity to reach untapped markets.

With over 40 years of experience in international business operations, the  AliveAdvisor marketplace is a well-established platform where you need not worry about selling online. Moreover, it costs you nothing to update your products or services on their free-listing option where other similar marketplaces charge you ‘the moon’. You have nothing to lose here if things don’t work out the way you want them to.

Get going! Welcome to the AliveAdvisor Marketplace. Your online store and a global audience minus the risks are just a ‘Click’ away.


Jony Marcel
Author: Jony Marcel

Aliveadvisor has been actively involved in global consulting services for the some years. Author Jony Marcel has been serving American clients with highly functional and flexible consult. Jony Marcel loves to pen down investment advisory services experiences and thoughts related to the industry in his spare time.

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