Global Advisory & Support Services Worldwide

AliveAdvisor is a global consulting services company catering to business, religion and political sectors operating worldwide. Dr. Daniel Imperato is the organization’s founder who brings over 45 years of global expertise in business planning and development. The company is adept at creating massive expansion programs for organizations worldwide that invariably increase shareholder value.

Global Advisory & Support Services Worldwide

The Business Sector

AliveAdvisor has successfully advised many global businesses and assisted their projects worldwide. We have recently been actively involved in building out the AliveAdvisor platform, including the AliveAdvisor Global Marketplace, adaptable to today’s artificial intelligence, blockchain, analytics and cloud-based technology.

We have leadership knowledge of the new technologic artificial intelligence capabilities for various sectors, including banking, farming, and most importantly, cyber security. Our expertise covers all aspects of crypto, coins and ledger.

AliveAdvisor lends itself to licensing, partnering, and bidding on projects worldwide for government and private sectors. It included adapting projects to guidelines for world bank funding, development bank funding and good sovereign funding—our capability to address specific cyber security needs. Including the construction of cyber security buildings networks and smart cities integrated into the safety of the government and the military applications is beyond comparison.

Correlating Business, Politics & Religion

Alongside business, our expertise covers matters relating to religion and politics. Religion and politics indirectly affect business behaviour. It can also be a regulatory force. In doing so, it affects more directly. Religious institutions and political establishments in several countries worldwide are a part of the ongoing conversation about responsible business behaviour and so play various interlocking roles in the global expansion of businesses.

Our integrity and knowledge of the cultures and customs beyond borders are reliable. We are humanitarian, and our religious insight in helping organizations worldwide in formatting strategies has an impeccable record concerning interreligious dialogue, humanities, foreign affairs, and international business.

Our leadership and a team of advisors worldwide are not easily matched. We have unique hands-on experience and knowledge of issues on a global basis that cover every aspect of business, religion and politics.

Expertise Concerning Global Issues

AliveAdvisor also provides consultancy to several governmental infrastructure projects concerning passports, national IDs, border control, passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world.

We have a checkered past and have provided advisory services to several infrastructure projects across the globe, including Mining in Bolivia, Deepwater wells in Africa, Drilling in Sinai, Shopping center development and entertainment projects in over 70 countries.

AliveAdvisor has been involved with duty-free shopping and airport development as well. We have in-depth knowledge of the airline industry, leasing, terminal rights and access.

More Than an Advisory Company

AliveAdvisor has advised on developing real estate around the globe. These infrastructure projects encompass building and managing sports arenas, entertainment proposals, raceways, hotels, golf course venues, commercial office buildings, educational and medical facilities, regional shopping malls, residential land planning and development, including marketing and sales.

We have been consulted by Fortune 500 corporations and others, with a mix of product lines consisting of telecommunications products, services, equipment, including V-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones.

Why AliveAdvisor?

We are also offering support services alongside top-class consultancy solutions! A wide range of sectors across which AliveAdvisor can be consulted includes transportation, fusion power, hydro and high-speed rail. Other areas include waste, recycling, farming, electricity, cabling, automotive, bottling, branding, packaging, medical equipment’s, apparel, shoes, accessories, perfumes, leather goods, manufacturing, oil and gas deep water, shallow and relinquished wells, finance and infrastructure, buildings DIR processes, roadways, bridges, as well as insurance Wraps, and surety bonding completion.

You can also contact us at 561 805 9494 or set up a scheduled appointment here:
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